Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wait, its November?

Remember that time I was going to update this blog...
yeah sorry.
Things here in Florida are pretty darn busy and because I work nights, I sleep in all day, go to work, and then sleep again. And my off days are filled with more sleep, trying to visit the parks, grocery shopping, and laundry. Exciting stuff right?

Well, now that I'm writing again, I don't really know what to say. Working is...well work. Sometimes there are days when I don't want to go but I do it anyway. I do really love the people I work with and we have a lot of fun together. Work can be stressful but there are always a few moments that make you smile.
I can't believe its November. September and October went by so quickly. I miss the Halloween season. Yes I love Christmas, but Halloween at Disney World is by far my favorite. I was fortunate enough to go to 2 Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Parties, and had a blast both times. The second time involved a sweet little girl named Ella but that story is a whole other blog post in itself!
I decided to try and extend my program as well. I went to the character performer audition and it was...alright. I feel like my experience back in March was so much more positive. Oh well, my time will come right? I should find out within the next week or so. As much as I would love any excuse to stay down here in Florida, I know that at some point I do need to return to school. I wish I could go back and just dance. I miss it oh so very much and I hate knowing that every day I'm here, I'm loosing a bit of technique. Being down here has made me realize that I would prefer having a dancers life. Yes, I have no problem living down here and having a normal job and such but I miss performing. I know it's what I'm meant to do and I will keep trying to make my dream come true.

Other than that, there's not too much going on in my life. The Food and Wine Festival is almost over and even though I hate working it on the weekends, I'll be sad to see it go. As a guest, it's so much fun. I'm not looking forward to the Christmas crowds thats for sure but it's just something I will have to deal with.

If theres anything else you guys would like to hear about, just let me know! I know I'm horrible at this promise but I'll try and update this again soon!

Until then, have a magical day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just keep swimming everyone!

Hello, hello!
So here it is, 7 days after check in and I've survived thus far. I've been going to work and training like crazy but now I have 2 days off.
So I'm working at the Seas with Nemo and Friends. When I first got the job I was a little skeptical. I hadn't even been in that pavilion since it was the Living Seas! For some reason I wasn't given a discovery day so it was off to the first day of training! I have the sweetest trainer Kristina and another girl who lives in my complex is training with me. I'm so glad I haven't been alone!
But anyway, everyone at the Seas is so nice. I'm only on my 4th day of training and I already feel like I'm apart of a family.
But still, it doesn't help that I'm surrounded by people doing entertainment. I'm not gonna lie, it hurts. I want entertainment so badly that just thinking about it makes me want to cry. When I go up and meet characters or see them in the parks, my heart just sinks. Plus everyone at the seas telling me that I would be a great princess doesn't help either. But anyway, it will happen someday.
And I know Brooke probably doesn't read this blog but I just have to give her a shout out. Her friend Ariel was so amazingly sweet to me. I went to go see Ariel and these three little girls were standing beside me. I talked to them for a bit, found out they were celebrating birthdays and stuff. We talked about all kinds of things until Ariel got there. Then when Ariel and I were talking, one girl asked how we knew each other. Ariel whispered in her ear and then the girls eyes grew wide as she looked up at me. I asked Ariel I was like, "What did you say?". And she told me that she told the girl I was a mermaid too! Once Ariel left us the little girls were so excited to talk to me! I felt like such a princess and it was such a magical moment for me. It was beyond special to be looked at in such a way by those little girls. I just wish it was my job.
But The Seas should be fun. I did my first Turtle Talk show today which went much better than expected. I didn't mess up the spiel and the kids in the audience behaved for the most part. I hope every show goes just as well. As of now, thats my performance aspect. It's not dancing, and its not entertainment but I suppose it will do.
So now I have 2 days off and then back to work again. I have to admit, I feel very grown up living here. Today I worked, cleaned, cooked, and now I'm baking. Oh and I also went grocery shopping. I love living in an apartment and everything. Honestly, I'm so glad I'm not at DeSales right now. Even though I don't have my dream job, its still so much better.
Well my crumb cake is almost done so I should go!
But until next time,
Have a magical day here at EPCOT!

Oh woops....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Second day in Florida...

Thank goodness we have the day off. I really don't know if I could have survived going straight into Traditions or something else.

Well yesterday was crazy to say the least. We woke up at 4 in the morning in order to get in line for housing around 5:30. And we weren't even the first people in line! So then we waiting, went to the bathroom multiple times, snacked on stale crackers, and stood in the rain. It was long but oh well. Then just as my parents were bringing us food they let us in to start the process. We went through everything from housing, to ID's, cars, all that jazz. And the area that we were in Vista, they were playing Disney parks music. Needless to say I was jamming out a couple of times.

Then we found out we were going right onto the 9 o'clock bus for casting. I grabbed my food from my parents and we were off. But I could hardly eat I was so nervous! Well we got there and it felt completely surreal. I've always dreamed of going into that building. It was so beautiful inside. The artwork was fantastic, I wanted to take all of it home! So first I found out my location. I will be working in EPCOT, east attractions! Not my first choice obviously but I'm sure everything will be fine!

So after that we basically did a maze around the building, going from station to station and handing in papers and such. It was very informative but also very tiring. When we were done, all I wanted to do was get out of there! Remember I had been up since 4 AM. So then we caught the bus and headed back to our apartment. Patterson, building 10, Room 10203! I love it, its gorgeous and very roomy. So Kendra and I unpacked a bit and then it was off to the housing meeting. 2 hours of rules, rules, and more rules. The only good part about this meeting was the fact that at one point they played Camp Rock music haha. Not that I didn't appreciate the presentation, but we were all just so hungry and tired! After that, we left, got some dinner, came back and sat on the computer for a little bit, Kendra and I had a mini dance party, and then we crashed. I slept from 10 at night to 10 in the morning. Now I feel great! Can't wait to shower and go shopping!

Tomorrow is Traditions. I have the later one with 2 of my roommates. Kendra has the earliest one all by herself, poor thing. But it should be fun and I will post about it soon! Then Saturday I start training so that should be fun as well!

Wish me luck and I will try and keep you guys updated as much as possible! Let me know if you want me to post any pictures and such.

Have a magical day!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

10 days!

Oh my oh my! Is it really almost time to leave? I'm not quite sure I know how to handle this. It's always felt so far away and now...well its just hard to believe!
I don't even know where to start as far as packing goes. I just got back from a 2 week vacation so I had to unpack and do laundry from all that. The vacation was lovely and so much fun but through it all I knew that once it was over, I needed to get down to business! And defeat some huns! Hahah... totally kidding.
But anyway, the next few days shall be crazy. I have lots of errands to run and things to do. Gotta celebrate my dad's birthday and then he will be leaving and driving all of my things down to Florida a few days before I will arrive. So I will have no car, and hardly any clothes and things. Should be interesting! Hopefully I will figure it all out.
I have most of my clothes already set aside to pack. Heres hoping it all fits!
Well, anyway, good luck to everyone who is checking in tomorrow and so on! I can't wait to meet everyone!
I will try my best to update on everything that will happen! I hope to have time after check in to write everything down. If not, I guess I will get to it eventually.
Until then, have a magical day!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Harry Potter and 39 days.

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but nothing to exciting has been happening.
Now obviously everyone knows about the last Harry Potter film opening on the 15th. If you don't know, you live under a rock. Anyway I wrote this on my tumblr and I just felt that I wanted to share it here.

To all those Harry Potter fans:

Yes I’m a fan as well but I admit I haven’t been with him from the beginning. I still love the books and the movies but I understand that I will never have a connection like you do.

However I just realized that Harry Potter is to you, like Disney is to me. Disney has been there for me through thick and thin. The movies and the parks have brought me so much joy since I was little. Disney was my childhood. It’s always been there in my darkest of times. But just like a Disney movie, it never ends. Harry Potter will always survive in our hearts and souls.

So no, I may not understand completely how one can get so emotional over this last movie even though yes I am sad as well, but I do understand the love. I understand the compassion towards something that brings you back to your happiest place.

So whether it is Hogwarts or Magic Kingdom, it will always welcome you home.

Ok, on another topic. HOLY CRAP 39 DAYS. I still remember counting down from 100! It really hit me last night that 39 days is really not that long of a time. I mean we're in the thirties now people! I feel like I'm not prepared at all and I'm a bit scared. But at the same time, I'm really really excited. I'm ready to start this new chapter and experience every thing I can. I'm truly looking forward to spending time with all these fabulous people that I've been talking to. So I will do my best to update you on the weeks to come but I warn you I go on vacation the last week of July/first week of August and then 10 days later I arrive in Florida. But as I said, I will do my best! Until next time, have a magical day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Verdict.

Well everyone, I didn't get it. I never received an email from Disney but I called yesterday and received the dreaded news that I had not gotten character performer.
Yes I was upset, and the reactions from family members certainly didn't help, but I'm over it. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. It just wasn't my time. I know I'll be working for Disney well into the future so I will get my chance. Besides, now I won't be in a huge fur costume while its a million degrees outside! I'm really excited to interact with people. I'm praying now that my many requests for the Great Movie Ride will pay off. I've already printed out the script so I can be extra prepared!
So, who knows when the next time I will update is but until then, have a magical day!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Still waiting and Vlog #4.

Hello everyone. So tomorrow is the last day to find out about my audition results. I've been waiting for over 4 weeks and its been torture. My best friend Kendra got character performer so ever since she found out I've been constantly on edge. Every time my email bings on my phone, my heart skips a beat. At this point I just need to know either way. And I would hate to be rejected on my last day.
As I've said before, I want this more than anything but I can't control what happens now.

So this is a bit delayed but here is our Vlog #4!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is it possible to wish too hard?

So yesterday my best friend Kendra was accepted into being a Character Performer. I know I should be happier for her, but I'm not. I just want the same to happen to me. Yes its a dream to work for Disney, but its even a bigger dream to perform.
I've been praying, and crying non stop. Just begging to this higher power to let me get this.
But has my luck run out? I feel like up to this point everything has gone so smoothly. The interview, the acceptance, the audition, its all been going so well. Is this where everything stops?
Maybe I'm just being pessimistic and over thinking things but it worries me. I know if I go down to Disney in the fall and I won't be a performer, I'll be terribly upset every day. Seeing Kendra go off to train and everything, it will break my heart. I still love her dearly but this hurts. It really hurts.
So as of now, no news from Disney. But, we shall see what happens. I will write about it either way.
But until then, your support and prayers mean the world.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Did yesterday even happen?

So my audition day has come and gone and I'm wondering if it was all a dream.
I was in Florida for less than 24 hours and it all went by in a blur.

So it all started on Tuesday the 29th. I got finished with classes, took my math test and then met my Dad at my dorm. We waited for my friend Kendra to be done with classes and then we headed off to King Of Prussia mall. We ate dinner there and then continued on to the Philly Airport. Our flight was a little delayed so I think we left around 8:30. We got to Florida, picked up the rental car and then went right to our Hotel. Even though I went to bed around 11:30 I couldn't fall asleep. I never go to sleep that early anyway and I was nervous for the next day. Plus my dad decided to snore a bunch. So I woke up around 4:55 and got up to take a shower and get ready. We got breakfast around 6 and then left super early. We got to the Animal Kingdom Rehearsal Hall around 7:15 and there were already a few people in line. We waited there for about an hour, met up with Crystal and then they started letting people inside.
Once we were inside they measured our height [I was 62 inches] and then we got a number. I was 24 and Kendra was 25. They split us up into groups of 60 and then took us to another room. In there we learned a super short combination, simple movements like marching and skipping, and we did that a few times across the floor to music. After that they cut people right away. Out of the 60 about 15 of us got to stay. We then moved to a different room and we stayed in there for about and hour and a half. During that time we filled out some paper work and they took our picture. Other groups also kept coming in. Then they took us and we went back into the larger room.
The next step was the animation and the harder dance routine. They combined the two and taught it to us all at once. Then they told us to go into the hallway and we would go in by groups of six. People were eliminated from these groups, sometimes 1 person made it, sometimes none, and in the case of my group all of us made it.
They told us to go sit on the benches and wait. Kendra and I just sat there, stunned that we even made it this far. We soon realized that not many people were staying by the benches. Finally we counted and we were are only 13 of us left! 13 out of the 300 [give or take a few people that we saw were taken away for face characters, those lucky ducks]. So then we did the same combination in smaller groups and they filmed us. After that about 4 other people were asked to stay and from what I heard they just learned a completely different combination. But we were told that we did a great job and they would be emailing us in the next few weeks!
After the day was over, Kendra and I were exhausted and starving. The audition lasted, for us, from 6AM to 1PM, with no food. So we met up with my Dad and my friend Victoria and we went to have a fabulous meal at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. Then we did some brief shopping at Downtown Disney, headed to the airport, and then we came home. Believe me I did not want to return! The weather was so lovely and it was torture being in Disney but not being able to visit any of the parks!
But overall, it was an amazing experience. Of course there is that uncertainty about what they would cast me as or even if I would get cast or not. Obviously I hope for the best because this is what I really want to do. I just hope Disney saw some potential in me because I certainly tried my hardest. And even if I don't make it, its great to know that I made it that far in the audition process.

I can't believe the next time I'll be in Disney will be the day I move in on August 17th. I'm just so ready for that day to be here. I can't wait to meet everyone and start working in the most magical place on earth!
So, I will let you guys know if I hear anything from Disney, but in the meantime, have a magical day!

Monday, March 28, 2011

tomorrow, tomorrow, i love ya tomorrow...

yes, tomorrow I leave for Orlando. Needless to say I'm freaking out. I just had not knowing what this audition will be like. I hate thinking that there will be millions of people there. I just hope all goes well and I just have to keep in mind that everything happens for a reason. I also hope that the audition doesn't last all day because I would very much like to spend a little bit of time getting dinner in Disney. I know that I will certainly be crying on the plane ride home. I really won't enjoy returning to horrible cold weather. Why is it still freezing outside when its almost April? Really its not fair.

Anyway, I'm sure I will be documenting the next 2 days like crazy so look for an update soon! And please send your prayers, every little bit helps!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One week...

Until I leave for my Disney audition! A week from now I will be packing for a one night trip to Orlando, FL! First off, its now technically spring but Center Valley, PA is still getting snow. So not fair! So one day in Orlando is going to be torture.
Second of all, I'M FREAKING OUT.
Being a performer of any kind for Disney has been a dream of mine since I was little. I know I have dance and performance training but I'm still paranoid about getting cut. I just really hope my nerves don't get the best of me. This means so much and to completely blow this would be...devastating. Of course I like to believe things happen for a reason but I'm still freaking out.
Just please, send me your prayers! I will hopefully update this again after the audition to let you know how it all went!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ugh, waiting.

Honestly, this school semester just needs to be over. I know everyone keeps telling me to savor it because it will be over before I know it but I just want summer. I just want to go to Disney.
Everything seems to be going wrong. I'm far too stressed out and I can't stop thinking about Disney. I know I'm annoying everyone around me because I talk about it constantly. I just can't wait to start something new. To go to a new place, and meet new people. Because some of the people here are starting to annoy me. I'm usually a very positive person but sometimes I have those moments where I feel completely alone.
I'm sorry this post isn't about Disney CP information or anything of that sort but I just need to vent. I'm sure there are other people out there who share my sympathies.
On another note, I'm not very blog savvy so if anyone has any suggestions as to how to make this blog look a bit more spiffy, I'm all for it. You're welcome to comment on this blog or email me any time!
But until next time mousketeers, have a magical day!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello again! So I promised I would do a bit of an information post so here we go.
My name is Veronica Roppelt and I'm 19 years old. I'm a dance major at DeSales University in Pennsylvania but I'm originally from Forest Hill, Md.


If you are participating in the Fall 2011 CP, feel free to friend me! I also have a few other things on the interwebs haha.

Regular blogger[don't really update this too much]:
Disney tumblr:
Youtube account:
Disney CP Vlog account:

So, why did I want to do the DCP?
Well, I've been dreaming of working for Disney my entire life. I've been watching the movies for ages and I went to the parks for the first time when I was 3. I've always been a huge Disney buff and it holds a very dear place in my heart. I want to work in the parks and help create the magic that I've felt for years. I just love the philosophy of the company and everything they stand for. I can honestly say that Walt Disney is one of my biggest heros because he really pushed forward with his dreams to make them a reality.

What are you excited for?
Umm...everything! First off one of my best friends Kendra got into the program with me so being down there and having this experience with her will just be amazing! I can't wait to meet new people who love Disney as much as I do! I've already met some amazing people through facebook/tumblr and I can't wait to meet them! And like I said before, I can't wait to work for the company. The parks have always felt like home to me and I now working there will be a blast.

What is your role?
Well as of now, its Attractions. Honestly this was not my first choice. I applied for BBBoutique, Photopass, and Character Performer. They asked me during my interview if I wanted to apply for anything else and I said maybe attractions. Of course they got me on that but oh well, at least I'm in =] What I want to do mostly is to perform. I'm a dance major so its also been my dream to dance in the parks. Whether I'm in a parade or being a character [ultimate dream], I will be truly happy.

Yes! I'm just hoping everything works out once we get down there. I'm nervous for my audition and for living in a completely new place for 5 months. I just want to get everything sorted and planned now. I hope I can get a place to stay at my college when I come back! I hope I can handle the job, this being my first "real" working job. Just, everything! But at the same time I'm so super excited. Its making this semester even harder to get through because I just want it to be August!

Favorite Disney Park:
Well, I love all of them. Seriously they are all amazing but I think Disney Studios will always be my favorite. I love movies!

Favorite Disney Movies:
So many! My top choices are probably Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Aladdin, Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Tangled.

Favorite Disney Characters:
Oh goodness how to choose! I love Belle, Wendy Darling, and Rapunzel, just to name a few.

Favorite ride:
Magic Kingdom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Epcot: Soarin' or Test Track
Disney Studios: Rock N Roller Coaster or Great Movie Ride
Animal Kingdom: Expedition Everest

Favorite Disney show in the parks:
Beauty and the Beast: Live on Stage, Finding Nemo, Festival of the Lion King

Favorite Hotel: Grand Floridian

Favorite Restaurant: California Grill or 50's Prime Time Cafe

How many times have I been to Disney?
MANY TIMES. I used to go every year from when I was 3 until about 10. Then I've gone randomly since then. My last visit was in December!

Alright, so thats all of the things I could come up with for now! If you have any questions for me please comment or send me an email at

Thanks so much for following and have a magical day!

Hello everyone!

So I've decided to have a written blog for my DCP experience! I already have a Vlog with my friend Kendra but I figured this would be great for just writing whatever I want. This way I can express my thoughts and frustrations without having to collaborate on a video!

So as of right now:
Applied: January 18, 2011
Accepted: February 9, 2011
Audition: March 30, 2011
Arrival Date: August 17, 2011

I was accepted into Attractions for the Fall 2011 Disney College Program but I will be auditioning for a character performer.
So at the moment I am getting ready to go to ballet class so I can't type much but I promise this evening I will write some more and maybe give you a bit of information on myself!
But until then, have a magical day!