Saturday, July 9, 2011

Harry Potter and 39 days.

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but nothing to exciting has been happening.
Now obviously everyone knows about the last Harry Potter film opening on the 15th. If you don't know, you live under a rock. Anyway I wrote this on my tumblr and I just felt that I wanted to share it here.

To all those Harry Potter fans:

Yes I’m a fan as well but I admit I haven’t been with him from the beginning. I still love the books and the movies but I understand that I will never have a connection like you do.

However I just realized that Harry Potter is to you, like Disney is to me. Disney has been there for me through thick and thin. The movies and the parks have brought me so much joy since I was little. Disney was my childhood. It’s always been there in my darkest of times. But just like a Disney movie, it never ends. Harry Potter will always survive in our hearts and souls.

So no, I may not understand completely how one can get so emotional over this last movie even though yes I am sad as well, but I do understand the love. I understand the compassion towards something that brings you back to your happiest place.

So whether it is Hogwarts or Magic Kingdom, it will always welcome you home.

Ok, on another topic. HOLY CRAP 39 DAYS. I still remember counting down from 100! It really hit me last night that 39 days is really not that long of a time. I mean we're in the thirties now people! I feel like I'm not prepared at all and I'm a bit scared. But at the same time, I'm really really excited. I'm ready to start this new chapter and experience every thing I can. I'm truly looking forward to spending time with all these fabulous people that I've been talking to. So I will do my best to update you on the weeks to come but I warn you I go on vacation the last week of July/first week of August and then 10 days later I arrive in Florida. But as I said, I will do my best! Until next time, have a magical day!

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